Nació en 1965. Maestría en Economía (Bayreuth / Munich, 1991).

Tiene su base de trabajo en Hanoi, Vietnam

Principales áreas de especialización:

  • Desarrollo económico local y regional
  • Desarrollo de clústeres y cadenas de valor
  • Desarrollo económico verde
  • Desarrollo de sistemas de mercado
  • Infraestructura de la calidad
  • Encuestas de clima empresarial/de inversiones y rankings de competitividad
  • Evaluaciones de programas y proyectos

Experiencia laboral:

Socio fundador de Mesopartner (2003)

2002 – 2003: Consultor independiente

2001 – 2002: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft eV, Yakarta (Indonesia), coordinador del proyecto PERISKOP y consultor sénior

1999 – 2000: Fraunhofer Management GmbH, Munich (Alemania), consultor sénior

1992 – 1999: Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Munich (Alemania), consultor.

Puedes contactarme vía e-mail y solicitar un CV.

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39 results:
Shaping a climate smart and eco-friendly business environment  
Adjusting the business environment of a country or territory to the new realities of climate change and environmental degradation is a complex and long-term process.  
What exactly is green economic development  
In the context of this publication, our understanding of green economic development is that it is a means of maintaining competitiveness or even striving for increased competitiveness by selected sectors or the whole economy at national or sub-national level in times of climate…  
Inclusive territorial economic development  
Imagine you are looking at the map of the geographical distribution of actors in a certain territory while using a different lens than usual that highlights the economically and societally marginalised areas and groups of people who have not been able to participate fully in the…  
Green territorial economic development: promoting more sustainable solutions  
Since the Rio+20 Conference in 2012, Green Economic Development became an increasingly prominent topic in both less and more developed countries.  
Developing a territorial economy: what do we need to get right?  
Whenever territorial authorities or an external development organisation or both in cooperation embark on an attempt to strengthen a local economy, some essential questions need to be answered immediately, with a series of follow-up questions along the way.  
Search results 26 until 30 of 39