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Annual Reflection 2015
Mesopartner focuses this Annual Reflection on Territorial Economic Development (TED), which is back in the spotlight and is attracting increasing attention.
The Annual Reflection draws on our accumulated experience in this field to discuss to what extent the local and regional...
Annual Reflections
Assessing the Applicability of Private Sector Development Instruments in Agricultural Economic Development
The starting point of this GTZ paper is the observation that private sector development (PSD) and agricultural economic development (AED) have historically been two distinct approaches in development cooperation. Both looked at ways to promote productive development in developing countries.
Assessment of Malaysia's National Quality Infrastructure
The International Network on Quality Infrastructure, recently defined Quality Infrastructure (Ql) as: "the system comprising the organisations (public and private), policies, relevant legal and regulatory frameworks and practices required to support and improve the quality,…
Business Climate Survey (BCS) Manual - A brief handbook to replicate the approach in Nepal
The Local and Provincial Economic Development (LPED) Project, initially planned for three years (June 2019 – May 2022), aimed to improve the framework conditions for economic development in eleven selected municipalities and three provinces in Nepal. LPED was a joint Nepal-German cooperation project implemented under the guidance of the Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation (MoLCPA) of the Government of Nepal (GoN) with technical support provided by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Business Membership Organisation Strategy Guidelines
The following guideline for designing a participatory approach to organisational strategy development of Business Membership Organisations (BMO) was first used to support the provincial chapters of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) in their restructuring process. In the wake of Nepal’s federalization process, FNCCI decentralized its operations. FNCCI Lumbini was the first provincial chamber unit in Nepal to develop an organisational strategy with the help of GIZ’s Local and Provincial Economic Development Project (LPED) in 2021/2022.
Calidena Toolbox
This toolbox is complementary to the Calidena Handbook 2.0 and differentiates between tools according to the phases of the process: ■ Preparatory tools ■ Workshop tools ■ Follow-up tools ■ Training tools Each tool is presented first in an overview table designed to provide a quick orientation, then followed by a more detailed description and a step-by-step guide to the pro- cedure.
Eco-system services and territorial competitiveness
The traditional approach to competitiveness is based on labour or capital productivity (Porter, 1989). Given the over-exploitation of natural resources, today we can observe a changing basis of competitive advantage (Von Weizsäcker, De Larderel, Hargroves et al., 2014).
GQII Global Quality Infrastructure Index 2020 Report
Quality Infrastructure provides a foundation for economic development Quality Infrastructure (QI) provides the necessary foundation for the economic development of any country. This applies to countries that have been industrialized early as well as emerging, transitional and developing countries. For this reason, international development cooperation is increasingly involved in promoting QI in the Global South.
Inspirational practices from East German Regional Growth Pole (RGP) experiences
During 2018 and 2019 we were asked by different regional governance and private sector development projects in the Ukraine and Peru to identify key procedures and learnings from regional growth pole (RGP) strategies and institution-building processes in East Germany.
Just (Energy) Transition as an interdisciplinary transformation challenge: Learning from the German experience
Just (Energy) Transition as an interdisciplinary transformation challenge: Learning from the German experience The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) commissioned Mesopartner PartG to summarize Germany’s Just Transition experience focusing on economic structural change and coal phase-out in selected regions of Germany.
Local Economic Development - An overview
As part of it’s support for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s (SDC) employment and income (e+i) network, Marcus Jenal of Mesopartner contributed to the development of an overview of current thinking and practice in Local Economic Development (LED).
Local and Regional Economic Development Dialogue Facilitation Guidelines
Public Private Cooperative Dialogue (PPCD) is a means to an end and seeks to make companies and cooperatives more competitive and sustainable while generating prosperity and ensuring inclusive processes that involve municipalities and other local communities (The Cluster Competitiveness Group, 2011). The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) defines public-private dialogue (PPD) as the process of exchanging ideas between the government and businesses to develop or adapt policy reforms. PPD, therefore, plays a significant role in establishing a favourable business environment. This exchange can take place through formal communication channels, such as meetings, workshops, conferences, or informal conversations (Nielsen 2021), thereby expanding “the space for policy discovery” (Bettcher, Herzberg, and Nadgrodkiewicz 2015).
Mapping the meso space that enables technological change, productivity improvement and innovation in the manufacturing sector
This paper focuses on meso organisations and policies that strengthen the technological capability of the country or industry to enable change, adaptation and economic resilience.
Outcome Harvesting: a methodology to track change that is hard to measure
Development practitioners are under increasing pressure to demonstrate that their work is relevant and that it contributes to sustainably addressing key challenges. There are many different ways to capture and report achievements. The focus is most often on reporting achieved results in the form of hard numbers, for example the number of jobs created, the amount of income generated or the number of businesses that show increased growth, investment and competitiveness.
Presencing in International Development
We live in a time of disruptive change. How to activate our capacity to lean into the emerging future may well be the most crucial leadership challenge of our time. How do you cultivate curiosity, compassion and courage in the face of prejudice, anger and fear?” Announcement of the u.lab course entitled Leading from the Emerging Future. We wrote this article from our home offices due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which made the invitation of MIT’s u.lab training course seem all the more relevant.
Promotion of Technology and Innovation in the Context of “Sustainable Economic Development”
Technical assistance has a tendency to address technology and innovation in an implicit way, as something that is elementary in creating or strengthening productive sectors and services in latecomer countries.
Quality Infrastructure enables the Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved
In 2015 the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which provides a framework for peace and prosperity for the planet and its people. 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form the core of the 2030 Agenda.
Information Flyer on the methodology RACCA for rapid appraisals of climate-sensitive city initiatives. A Climate-sensitive approach for city development.
Rapid Market Assessment of Responsible Tourism in Vietnam 2017
In order to assess the feasibility of a possible future project ‘Responsible Tourism and Competitiveness in Vietnam’ envisaged by the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) for funding, the ILO has commissioned the preparation of a rapid market assessment (RMA) of…
Regional Economic Potential Analysis
In 2006, mesopartner was commissioned by the European Union–Vietnam Private Sector Support Programme (EU-VPSSP) to develop a methodology for Regional Economic Potential Analysis and the supervision of its first application in the three provinces Hai Phong, Da Nang and Can Tho.…
Report on the first QI research workshop on 27 April 2023 at PTB in Berlin
Quality infrastructure as an emerging research field. The concept of quality infrastructure (QI) describes the system of metrology, standardization, accreditation, and conformity assessment, which contributes to the safety and quality of products and supports international…
Rethinking systemic change: economic evolution and institutions (Technical Paper)
In this work, we question the utility of the concept of systemic change in market systems development as it is currently used and suggest that we need a rethink. Systems continuously change and evolve, also without external development actors. The aim of development must be to enhance the evolutionary process in an economy and create access to this process for all levels of the society, both politically and economically. Instead of systemic change, development actors need to go back to a fundame.
Returning to basic principles: Common denominators of the AR2018_10 - Mesopartner and the EU smart specialization approaches
Returning to basic principles: Common denominators of the Mesopartner and the EU smart specialization approaches Common denominators between the Mesopartner philosophy and the smart specialisation…
SDGs: Requirements for a more innovative and interdisciplinary promotion approach at the local level
In 2016, all 193 UN member states signed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also named “Transformation Agenda 2030”. In contrast to its forerunner, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs not only focus on providing targets for developing countries but also…
Smartes Land: Promotion of interdisciplinary innovation approaches in rural areas in the European Union and beyond
‘Smartes Land’ is the heading under which Mesopartner started to reflect on how to promote innovation orientation in rural areas in the European Union (EU) through multidisciplinary innovation promotion approaches.
Territorial Development and the Great Transformation
In this interview (and videocast) we will be talking with Prof. Dr Dirk Messner about a question that has been keeping us busy for a while now: In our work, how can we promote a more sustainable and transformative way of territorial development, and what systemic perspectives.
The Chamber System of Nepal - Reflections and entry points for improvement
The national chambers of commerce and industry play a key role in representing and promoting private sector interests worldwide. They provide the necessary guidance and support to their members – the businesses that they represent, especially in structural change processes and transition. As the Nepalese government is implementing a nationwide decentralisation process, the regional government structure necessitates the private sector organisations to reflect a similar level of decentralization in their organisational structure to ensure harmony and effectiveness of their national, provincial and local organisational units. The following draft paper intends to provide a short overview of the organisational and decentralised structure of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) and its function in the changing political landscape in Nepal. Furthermore, we will compare the current chamber system with chamber structures considered best practices in some European countries. The goal is to improve the Nepalese chamber system by studying successful models from developed countries and suggesting recommendations to the FNCCI, so they can serve as a national example in modernising the Nepalese chamber system.
The Impact of Quality Infrastructure on Global Value Chain participation
The Impact of Quality Infrastructure on Global Value Chain participation Sustainable development involves the strengthening of local firms. The continuous improvement in processes, products and functions to increase value added, that the literature and the policy practice have called firms’ upgrading, is absolutely essential for emerging economies to compete sustainably in global markets.
The Relevance of Quality Infrastructure to Promote Innovation Systems in Developing Countries
What is the potential and the relevance of Quality Infrastructure (QI) for innovations in developing countries? The working group “Promoting Innovation Systems”, funded by the International Technical Cooperation PTB, is investigating this question, aiming at integrating the…
The beauty of circular value chains
Both the value chain and the circular economy concept have their unique attractiveness. In the 2016 Annual Reflection we published the article From value chains to circular economic systems (Cunningham, Jenal & Harmes-Liedtke, 2016), where we argue that value chains often…
Trends and requirements of the green transition of SMES in metal and wood processing sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The need for the transformation towards greener and more inclusive and innovative industrial production is high on the agenda worldwide, especially so in the Western Balkans and the European Union.
Other Publications
Mesopartner has developed or co-developed a number of methods and tools that are widely used by territorial development practitioners.
Ecosystems have become very popular in the international development discourse in the last few years.
Calidena is a participatory methodology developed and implemented by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and Mesopartner to stimulate quality in value chains (VC) and aims to systematically and sustainably support the improvement of the national quality infrastructure (NQI) in developing and transformation countries.
In the article, 'Assessment of meso organisations for opportunities for improvement', we argue that there are four dimensions to improving meso organisations’ performance, along which each meso organisation can and should be assessed.
Mesopartner is trained and licensed to use the Sensemaker® ethnographic research tool developed by The Cynefin Company.
Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage is a method that allows to conduct an action-oriented appraisal of a local economy in just two weeks.