It is our experience that teaching and training are important yet only a small part of effective capacity building. Our capacity-building events are focused on combining inputs of new material with generating practical experiences by applying the learned content directly to the students' own work. We organise study tours for people to see firsthand what others do and get inspired by these vivid experiences.

In addition to capacity building in the form of training courses, we put an additional focus on helping our customers to put continuous learning at the centre of their activities and implement effective knowledge management strategies. Starting with the existing knowledge of stakeholders and practitioners, we introduce new knowledge that strengthens and expands their knowledge.

Knowledge management includes four lines of activity:

  • Capturing knowledge and turning it into manuals and other documents, as well as creating robust procedures.
  • Re-combining existing explicit knowledge, for instance by introducing existing concepts from one discipline into a different field. 
  • Creating structured learning experiences, where practitioners are introduced to new knowledge. 
  • Stimulating ongoing reflection and interactive learning, for instance by running a Community of Practice.  

Mesopartner uses all four lines of activity in its capacity building: 

  • We capture our experience in manuals and other documents. 
  • We conduct research and publish research-based books and papers. 
  • We organise a variety of training courses and learning events. 
  • We support the PACA Community of Practice, and we run international study tours.

We help our customers and other partners to adapt this approach to capacity building to their needs. 

We have a strong preference for sharing knowledge, rather than protecting it. This includes building relationships with associates and supporting, coaching and mentoring them in their work. Most of our manuals are available under a Creative Commons Share-Alike license.