9 results:
Tool 01: Organising an LED workshop -- whom and how to invite  
In this episode, Jörg Meyer-Stamer and Colin Mitchell discuss one of the critical issues in the organisation of a workshop: How do you invite the right people? And how do you handle the management of expectations properly?  
Tool 02: Designing an LED workshop  
In this episode, Jörg Meyer-Stamer and Colin Mitchell continue their conversation on how to prepare a workshop. What are the issues that you consider when you design the sequence of activities in a given workshop? How do you make sure that the limited time is used effectively, and what do you do to…  
Tool 03: Using the Five Forces Concept as a Workshop Format  
Shawn and Jorg explain how to use Michael Porter's Five Forces Concept as a tool in a quick workshop with local businesses from the same subsector.  
Tool 05: The Compass of Local Competitiveness  
Shawn and Jorg explain the Compass, a performance management tool for LED that turns the Balanced Scorecard into a practical and exciting workshop format.
You can find a detailed description of the Compass in our Methodologies section of our Mesopartner website.
Tool 06: PACA  
Shawn Cunningham and Jorg Meyer-Stamer discuss the background, main characteristics and evolution of the Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA) method.  
Tool 07: Managing expectations  
Jorg Meyer-Stamer and Colin Mitchell discuss why the management of expectations in development activities so often goes wrong.  
Tool 09: Polarity management  
In a presentation from Mesopartner's Africa Academy on LED, Shawn Cunningham presents the concept of polarity management, i.e. an approach to deal with opposing options to address a given issue in a constructive manner and avoiding extreme swings of a pendulum.  
Tool 10: The Leaking Bucket  
In a presentation from Mesopartner's Africa Academy on LED, Afia Darkwa-Amanor presents the Leaking Bucket, a tool that allows to leverage money and other resources that usually flow out of the local economy for local economic development. Afia is a Senior Advisor in the gtz-supported LRED program…  
Tool 11: The Boston Matrix  
In another presentation from Mesopartner's Africa Academy on LED, Colin Mitchell presents a variation of the Boston Matrix, a simple tool to investigate promising areas of specialisation for a given territory.  

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