Quality policy in Caribbean countries
Mesopartner has won a tender from the Caribbean Development Bank to advise on the development of a quality policy in three CARICOM member countries. Antigua & Barbuda, Grenada and Suriname were selected. Each country has its own economic structure and it is about developing the National Quality Infrastructure according to the needs and opportunities of the national economy and consumers.
In this consultancy, the Mesopartner team can build on the experience of the development of the National Quality Policy of Trinidad and Tobago in 2017/ 2018. The team of consultants will again use their proven participatory methodologies to identify the concrete needs of national stakeholders and to realistically develop metrology, standardisation, accreditation and conformity assessment services.
Mesopartner works again with an international team, which the strong involvement of CARICOM citizens. All team members are experts in different fields of quality infrastructure and trade.
The national quality policies are in the context of the regional quality policy developed by CROSQ. Overall, these policies are expected to make an important contribution to strengthening a quality culture in the region, which in turn will make businesses more competitive and improve the living conditions of people in the Caribbean on a sustainable basis.
The consultancy has a duration of twelve months from February 2019 to February 2020.